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Please Note: Balanced Assessment printed materials are available from this site, except for those indicated below. Please use the order form and follow the ordering directions carefully as they have changed. Current prices can be found on our order form.

Please also note that the Balanced Assessment Primary & Elementary Tasks have been published by Corwin Press. The Balanced Assessment Transition & Middle School Tasks have been published by Teachers' College Press. These tasks may still be viewed in .pdf format on this website but they may not be copied or printed.

Joan Kenney

Joan M. Kenney's professional career has covered a wide spectrum of mathematical activity. She has worked as a Research Scientist, specializing in Operations Analysis and Risk Management. She has taught mathematics at the secondary and college level, as well as performing classroom modeling and intervention for elementary and middle school grades. She consults with several urban districts on issues of mathematics education reform, and provides professional development for their teachers and administrators, as well as for the CESAME and PALMS Initiatives, and the Noyce Foundation. In her current position as co-director of the Balanced Assessment Program at Harvard University she is involved in assessment task design, classroom intervention, and student performance evaluation, as well as designing and facilitating mathematics-content workshops.

Her experience in program evaluation includes serving as the national evaluator for the NSF-sponsored Assessment Community of Teachers (ACT) and Connecting with Mathematics (CwM) projects, as well as the Council for Basic Education’s Instructional Leadership Academy, and the Digi-Block program.

She has written tasks for, edited, and overseen the production of five new Balanced Assessment collections (Primary, Transition, Middle, Grade 10 Exemplar, and MATHPLAN). She has served on the Mathematics Task Force of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education.

Last Update: 03/01/2015

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